Leolin Katsidzira

Qualification: MD
Studying for: PhD (University of Zimbabwe)
Supervisors: Professor S. Rusakaniko (University of Zimbabwe), Professor I.T. Gangaidzo (University of Zimbabwe), Professor Raj Ramesar (Human Genetics, UCT)
Country of Origin: Zimbabwe

Project Title: Epidemiology, Genetic and Phenotypic Correlates of Colorectal Cancer In Zimbabwe
News Byte: Colorectal cancer in sub-Saharan Africa appears to be more severe, with an earlier age of onset, than in the rest of the world. Why?


The perception that colorectal cancer is rare in sub-Saharan Africa is widely held; however, it is unclear whether this is due to poor epidemiological data or to lower disease rates. The quality of epidemiological data has somewhat improved, and there is an ongoing transition to western dietary and lifestyle practices associated with colorectal cancer. The impact of these changes on the incidence of colorectal cancer is not as evident as it is with other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. In this Viewpoint, we discuss the epidemiology of colorectal cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. Colorectal cancer in this region frequently occurs at an early age, often with distinctive histological characteristics. We detail the crucial need for hypothesis-driven research on the risk factors for colorectal cancer in this population and identify key research gaps. Should colorectal cancer occur more frequently than assumed, then commensurate allocation of resources will be needed for diagnosis and treatment.

Selected Publications:
Investigation on the hereditary basis of colorectal cancers in an African population with frequent early onset cases. Katsidzira L, Vorster A, Gangaidzo IT, Makunike-Mutasa R, Govender D, Rusakaniko S, Thomson S, Matenga JA, Ramesar R. PLoS One. 2019 Oct 24;14(10):e0224023. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224023.

Differences in Fecal Gut Microbiota, Short-Chain Fatty Acids and Bile Acids Link Colorectal Cancer Risk to Dietary Changes Associated with Urbanization Among Zimbabweans. Katsidzira L, Ocvirk S, Wilson A, Li J, Mahachi CB, Soni D, DeLany J, Nicholson JK, Zoetendal EG, O’Keefe SJD. Nutr Cancer. 2019;71(8):1313-1324. doi: 10.1080/01635581.2019.1602659.

Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer risk in Zimbabwe: A population based case-control study.
Katsidzira L, Laubscher R, Gangaidzo IT, Swart R, Makunike-Mutasa R, Manyanga T, Thomson S, Ramesar R, Matenga JA, Rusakaniko S. Cancer Epidemiol. 2018 Dec;57:33-38. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2018.09.005.

A case-control study of risk factors for colorectal cancer in an African population. Katsidzira L, Gangaidzo IT, Makunike-Mutasa R, Manyanga T, Matsena-Zingoni Z, Thomson S, Matenga JA, Rusakaniko S, Ramesar R. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2019 May;28(3):145-150. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000439.

The shifting epidemiology of colorectal cancer in sub-Saharan Africa. Katsidzira L, Gangaidzo I, Thomson S, Rusakaniko S, Matenga J, Ramesar R. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 May;2(5):377-383. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(16)30183-2.

The incidence and histo-pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer in a population based cancer registry in Zimbabwe. Katsidzira L, Chokunonga E, Gangaidzo IT, Rusakaniko S, Borok M, Matsena-Zingoni Z, Thomson S, Ramesar R, Matenga JA. Cancer Epidemiol. 2016 Oct;44:96-100. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2016.08.001.

Retrospective study of colorectal cancer in Zimbabwe: colonoscopic and clinical correlates. Katsidzira L, Gangaidzo IT, Mapingure MP, Matenga JA. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb 28;21(8):2374-80. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i8.2374.

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