Dr Ramadhani Chambuso
Qualification: MD
Studying for: PhD
Supervisors: Professor Raj S. Ramesar (Human Genetics), Professor Clive Gray (Immunology), Professor Anna-Lise Williamson (Virology).
Country of Origin: Tanzania
Project Title: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Human Papillomavirus Co-Infection and Host Molecular Genetics of Cervical Carcinoma
News Byte: Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection with oncogenic high-risk HPV. Women who are co-infected with HIV and HPV are at an increased risk of developing cervical disease. However, only a small subset of HIV/HPV co-infected women progress rapidly to invasive cervical cancer. Why?
A subset of women who are co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) and human papillomavirus (HPV) progress relatively rapid to cervical disease regardless of high absolute CD4 counts. During infection, viral peptides are exposed to the host immune system. It is reasonable to propose that development of viral-associated cancers, like cervical cancer, requires interference of specific viral immune response genes. This thesis investigates this proposition with consideration of host molecular genetic alterations and variations of the human leukocyte antigen class II (HLA II) genes as one of the viral immune response genes, in the instances of cervical cancer progression in HIV/HPV co-infected women
Selected Publications:
Investigation of Cervical Tumor Biopsies for Chromosomal Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) and Microsatellite Instability (MSI) at the HLA II Locus in HIV-1/HPV Co-infected Women. Chambuso R, Kaambo E, Denny L, Gray CM, Williamson AL, Migdalska-Sęk M, Agenbag G, Rebello G, Ramesar R.
Front Oncol. 2019 Oct 15;9:951. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00951.
Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Class II -DRB1 and -DQB1 Alleles and the Association with Cervical Cancer in HIV/HPV Co-Infected Women in South Africa. Chambuso R, Ramesar R, Kaambo E, Denny L, Passmore JA, Williamson AL, Gray CM. J Cancer. 2019 May 20;10(10):2145-2152. doi: 10.7150/jca.25600.
Vaginal Microbiomes Associated With Aerobic Vaginitis and Bacterial Vaginosis. Kaambo E, Africa C, Chambuso R, Passmore JS. Front Public Health. 2018 Mar 26;6:78. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00078.
Common bacterial isolates, clinical outcome and TB meningitis in children admitted at Morogoro Regional Referral Hospital, Tanzania. Chambuso RS, Mkhoi ML, Kaambo E. Int J Mycobacteriol. 2017 Jul-Sep;6(3):268-273. doi: 10.4103/ijmy.ijmy_83_17.
Influence of HIV/AIDS on Cervical Cancer: A Retrospective Study From Tanzania. Chambuso RS, Shadrack S, Lidenge SJ, Mwakibete N, Medeiros RM. J Glob Oncol. 2016 Jun 1;3(1):72-78. doi: 10.1200/JGO.2015.002964.
Pubmed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=%22chambuso+R%22+%5BAuthor%5D
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